Dracaena Fragrans ‘Cintho’

KSh 3,000.00

The multi-stem version is a unique look that gives height and tiered levels of foliage. It is a tough and resilient specimen and will tolerate some shade . Never place a dracaena plant in direct sun, as the rays will scorch its foliage Dracaena require less water than most indoor plants. keeping the soil lightly misted (never soggy) as well with good drainage.

NOTE :- Stamped /watermarked photos for display purposes only.

Name Dracaena fragrans ‘Cintho’
Position Semi – shade
Watering Water Smart
Other Helps to clean the air off toxins. Keep them hydrated by misting the leaves.
Grow Pot Gallon Pot – 25cm X 20cm – 7.5L
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