
Showing 133–144 of 161 results


Sansevieria Trifasciata (Snake plant)

KSh 500.00

Sansevieria Trifasciata (Snake plant), sometimes referred to as mother-in-law’s-tongue, are some of the toughest plants you can find. Whether indoors, in your garden or on your balcony, these spiky beauties with green and silver leaves can put up with almost anything. This plant is often kept as a houseplant due to its non-demanding maintenance they can survive with very little water and sun.
NOTE :- Stamped /watermarked photos for display purposes only.

Name Sansevieria Trifasciata (Snake plant)
Position Sun to  Shade
Watering Water Smart
Other 75cm H & 30cm W. Great indoor plant. Air purifier
Grow Pot 18cm

Sedum Rubrotinctum (Jelly Bean plant)

KSh 500.00

A cute-looking succulent with little red-tipped leaves, giving it a jelly bean-like appearance. This plant offers an interesting shape and color that is a wonderful addition to a garden.
NOTE :- Stamped /watermarked photos for display purposes only.

Name Sedum Rubrotinctum (Jelly Bean plant)
Position Sun / semi shade
Watering Water Smart
Other Great plant that looks perfect in hanging baskets as it tends to trail over the side of the pot as it grows.
Grow Pot 18cm

Ruby Glow Peperomia Graveolens

KSh 400.00

An ornamental shrub-like succulent with v-shaped oblong leaves growing from wine red stems.The succulent leaves are a transparent green on top and red underneath.  Ruby Glow bears tiny yellow-white flowers on long stems that resembles a mouse tail. Ruby Glow is ideal for busy lifestyles and small space.
NOTE :- Stamped /watermarked photos for display purposes only.

Name Ruby Glow Peperomia Graveolens
Position Sun / semi-shade
Watering Semi – Water Smart
Other 25cm H & 61cm wide
Grow Pot 12 cm

Crassula Ovata – Jade plant

KSh 500.00

A well-known succulent shrub with a compact growth habit.
Ovata has glossy grey-green oval succulent leaves with a red margin and bears masses of pink flowers.
Indoors Crassula ovata prefers brightly lit position.

NOTE :- Stamped /watermarked photos for display purposes only.

Name Crassula Ovata – Jade plant
Position Sun – semi shade
Watering Water Smart
Other 1-3m H & 1m W. Crassula Ovata has been shown to remove harmful pollutants from the air, making it a great choice for an indoor plant
Grow Pot 18cm

Squid Agave – Agave Bracteosa

KSh 800.00

A very hardy plant to grow. Squid agave is an evergreen succulent adding great interest in the landscape.
It forms a graceful shaped rosette, pale green, toothless leaves and twist. They grow upright and curl back towards the outside of the plant giving a squid or octopus look.

NOTE :- Stamped /watermarked photos for display purposes only.

Name Squid Agave – Agave Bracteosa
Position full Sun
Watering Water Smart
Other 60cm W to 40cm H. Agave bracteosa is perfect for patio containers or small planting space
Grow Pot 18cm

Haworthia Retusa – Cushion Aloe

KSh 100.00

Haworthia retusa are easy to grow, preferring well-draining soil mix.

NOTE :- Stamped /watermarked photos for display purposes only.

Name Haworthia Retusa – Cushion Aloe
Position Shade – semishade
Watering Water Smart
Other 10cm H. Unique , beautiful and popular succulent. A great addition for succulent lovers
Grow Pot 9cm

    Echeveria Haageana

    KSh 100.00

      Echeveria Haageana

      KSh 100.00

      Echeveria ‘Haageana’ is a beautiful small succulent that forms rosettes of soft, fuzzy, frosty green leaves.

      The rosettes cluster quickly, forming a dense clump.

      NOTE :- Stamped /watermarked photos for display purposes only.

      Name Echeveria Haageana
      Position Sun
      Watering Water Smart
      Other Used as a house plant
      Grow Pot 9cm

        Chamaeceres Silvestrii – Peanut cactus

        KSh 100.00

        Peanut Cactus is a dense creeping succulent cactus with curling light green finger-like stems.

        Large orange-red flowers bloom in flushes . Grows best in full sun and dry well-drained soils.

        NOTE :- Stamped /watermarked photos for display purposes only.

        Name Chamaeceres Silvestrii – Peanut cactus
        Position Sun
        Watering Water Smart
        Other Can be used as a hanging plant
        Grow Pot 9cm

          Sanseveria Trifasciata Hahnnii – Bird nest Sansevieria

          KSh 100.00

          Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Hahnii’ is a lovely succulent that forms a compact cluster of elegant, funnel-shaped rosettes of 2 to 6 leaves.

          NOTE :- Stamped /watermarked photos for display purposes only.

          Name Sanseveria Trifasciata Hahnnii – Bird nest Sansevieria
          Position Sun – Semishade
          Watering Water Smart
          Other 20cm H. Like most succulent plants that store water in their leaves, Sansevieria rots quickly in excessively wet soil.
          Grow Pot 9cm


            KSh 100.00


              KSh 100.00

              This succulent is an absolute showstopper with its stemless rosette its flesshy – flat, tongue -like smooth leaves that are vibrant in color. But that’s not all – it’s also incredibly low maintenance.

              Interestingly, the leaves can sometimes take the shape of a folded fan.

              NOTE :- Stamped /watermarked photos for display purposes only.

              Name Gasteria
              Position Sun to partial shade
              Watering Water Smart
              Other 12” in diameter. These succulent favor a well -drained potting mix.
              Grow Pot 9cm

                Echeveria’Doris Taylor’ Woolly Rose

                KSh 100.00

                The echeveria doris taylor succulent is very beautiful, unique, and popular. It has amazing look with green leaves which are covered with white hairs giving this succulent a great looking fuzzy appearance.

                NOTE :- Stamped /watermarked photos for display purposes only.

                Name Echeveria’Doris Taylor’ Woolly Rose
                Position Sun
                Watering Water Smart
                Other 5” H and 8” W. You can grow this succulent indoors or outdoors
                Grow Pot 9cm

                  Coppertone Stonecrop -sedum Nussbaumerianum

                  KSh 100.00

                  These rosettes are the source of the name, as they can be yellowish green, but in full sun turn an orange rust or copper – like tone. They have a bright yellow green in partial shade.

                  NOTE :- Stamped /watermarked photos for display purposes only.

                  Name Coppertone Stonecrop -sedum Nussbaumerianum
                  Position Sun  – Semi Shade
                  Watering Water Smart
                  Other 8” H. Sedums are used in roof gardens
                  Grow Pot 9cm
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